In early times, they say that most of the beautiful things around us is a work of art, some say it is made by the devil himself which is in a form of something nice just to tempt us to commit mistakes or sins.
Most of us judge an individual by what we see, but the truth is our eyes can be so deceiving most of the times. It works almost like we only see what our eyes wanted us to see.
She was raped.

While on her way home, there were three drunken men who followed her and drag her on an alley. After she was raped, the three men leave her there half-dead with stab wounds. Luckily, an old lady heard her screaming for help but the three men were never caught.
See that guy with a big nose?
He has some nasal problems.

Though they’re teasing him about his big nose, he still lived a normal life. Thanks to God his surgery was a success but still, people call him big nose.
See that sobbing guy over there?
He just lost his girlfriend.

Hours before his girlfriend died, they had a conversation. While the girl is on her way home from work, she called her boyfriend asking him if he can pick her up. But the guy told him that he’ll just finis the last bottle and head to their house after the drink, then he ended the call and turn off his phone.
The last bottle was followed by three more bottles, then after finishing the drink he went to his girlfriends’ house and from there, he heard the news that his girlfriend was found dead in an alley nearby. After he heard the news, he turn on his phone and what he saw are three messages from his girlfriend saying:
“I’ve been trying to call you but your phone might be dead, I’m so scared because there’s a guy who’s following me. I hope you’re here so I’ll feel safe.”
“He still keeps on following me; please answer your phone so you know where to pick me up.”
And the last message he received from his girlfriend was:
“He’s still following me. I love you baby. I hope you’ll be safe on your way home, I love you and I’m happy to be your girlfriend and please stay happy whatever happens.”
See that fat lady over there?
She has some health problems.
There’s this 18 years old girl who can’t help herself from eating until she went on a state of obesity. Her classmate always teases her for being fat or obese. What they don’t know is she finds the impulse to eat irresistible to resist, even if it’s worth their money. Due to some family problems and over stress, her only outlet is to eat whatever she finds worth her time.
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